Farming is one of the main things that run the world. It employs more than one billion people globally. Not only that, agriculture generates over 1.3 trillion dollars worth of food annually. Despite farming being the most significant product in the rise of sedentary human civilization, how can this be improved with the help of technology in the future? Improving farming practices are essential for increased rural household health and income of villagers. Technological advancement in farming followed by robots and sensors would replace modern systems. Such systems could be the Ripe for Picking, Animal trackers, Silicon soil saviors, etc.
Let’s take a look at these few types
Ripe for the Picking
The device monitors vegetable growth and the state
Silicon Soil Saviors
Soil is the resource of farmers. Therefore protecting and keeping it safe is an important fact. It would eliminate pests and diseases without discriminating with the help or use of agrichemicals.
The device named ‘Bonirob’ can assess soil compaction.
Although some of these technologies are already available, most are at the research stage in labs and spin-off companies. Along with these, ai-intelligence, analytics, and connected sensors could increase yields and build sustainability across agricultural activities. Along with this ‘Drones’ have taken first place as they can be used in precision agriculture. It is used for monitoring crop health to the management of livestock among others.
The technological impact greatly shapes the sector of farming. Innovation is more important in modern agriculture than ever before. With the shortage of labor, there is increasing recognition from agricultural corporations that technical assistance is needed. From the invention of scythes to plows to the introduction of tractors, technology is the heart of agriculture.